항산화 물질 M4A, 난치병 극복 황금열쇠입니다.
'췌장세포 재생에 대한 당뇨 전임상연구' 결과
혈당 조절효과가 탁월하고 췌장베타세포의 기능이
활성화되는 것을 확인하였습니다.
충북대학교와 공동으로 진행한 "봉독을 원료로 한 제1형 당뇨병(인슐린 의존형 당뇨)치료효과에 대한 연구" 결과 췌장베타세포의 기능이 활성화되는 것을 확인하고 연구 결과를 SCI 국제 의학
저널에 투고하였습니다.
봉독을 원료로 한 제1형 당뇨병(인슐린 의존형 당뇨)
• 혈당조절
• 췌장 베타세포 재생
• 간기능 수치 정상 회복
Oral administration of bee wax coated water soluble fraction of bee venom improved the altered glucose homeostasis in streptozotocin induces diabetic rat.
The aim of the study was to evaluate anti-diabetic potential of bee wax venom (BWV) formulation and to elucidate its mode of action in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Gas chromatography (GC analysis) of BWV formulation proved the presence of pharmacologically important compounds.
BWV formulation significantly decreased the blood glucose level over BV treated group.
Moreover, in a confirmation study, BWV formulation significantly normalized the serum biochemical parameters and increased the body weight. At the same time, reversed the altered liver expression of phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases (PI3K)-p85 and liver glucokinase (GCK).
Histological analysis of pancreas revealed islet cell number increase and decreased β-cell damage.
Co-administered with nifedipine (Ca2+ channel blocker) and nicorandil (K+ATP channel activator) to diabetic animals along with BWV formulation 0.25 mg/kg revealed its property of insulin secretion through blocking K+ATP (potassium ion) channel.
Western blot analysis of p85 subunit and glucokinase in normal and STZ-induced diabetic rats
We conclusively affirm that BWV formulation exerted anti-diabetic property over bee venom alone which might achieved through controlled relax of bee venom by bee wax.
The secondary metabolites in bee venom such as melittin and PLA2 present in BWV formulation reduced the β-cell damage leads to β-cell regeneration which resulted increased insulin level.
At the same time, enhanced insulin secretion in diabetic rats through potassium channel closer and calcium channel opening.
Furthermore, BWV formulation increased insulin signaling by downregulation of PI3K-p85 subunit, a dominant signaling pathway gene and up-regulated the hepatic GCK leads to normalizing glucose hemostasis.
Moreover, tetracosanol, octadecanol, triacontanol present in BWV formulation modulated the altered cholesterol metabolism and reduced the toxic hepatic biomarkers such as SGOT, and SGPT shows BWV formulation has no toxic effect.
These results suggest that BWV formulation can be considered as a drug for the treat of diabetes mellitus.
'췌장세포 재생에 대한 당뇨 전임상연구' 결과 혈당 조절효과가 탁월하고 췌장베타세포의 기능이 활성화되는 것을 확인하였습니다.
충북대학교와 공동으로 진행한 "봉독을 원료로 한 제1형 당뇨병(인슐린 의존형 당뇨)치료효과에 대한 연구" 결과
췌장베타세포의 기능이 활성화되는 것을 확인하고 연구결과를 SCI 국제의학저널 기재하였으며,
2018런던당뇨학회에서 발표하여 (발표자: 충북대학교 이재권 교수) 화제 된 바 있습니다.
봉독을 원료로 한 제1형 당뇨병(인슐린 의존형 당뇨)치료효과
• 혈당조절
• 췌장 베타세포 재생
• 간기능 수치 정상 회복
현재 2형 당뇨에 대한 동물 실험이 진행 중이며,
통계적으로 의미 있는(유의한) 효능이 확인되고 있습니다.
당뇨병의 경우 다양한 합병증이 수반되는데 대부분 염증성 질환이므로
항염증 효과 또는 면역증강이나 청혈 작용 등의 효능을 지닌 벌독을 치료제로 적용한다면
당뇨병 뿐 만 아니라 이로 인해 유발되는 합병증에도 큰 효과가 있을 것으로 예상됩니다.
Oral administration of bee wax coated water soluble fraction of bee venom
improved the altered glucose homeostasis in streptozotocin induces diabetic rat.
The aim of the study was to evaluate anti-diabetic potential of bee wax venom (BWV) formulation and to elucidate its mode of action in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Gas chromatography (GC analysis) of BWV formulation proved the presence of pharmacologically important compounds.
BWV formulation significantly decreased the blood glucose level over BV treated group.
Moreover, in a confirmation study, BWV formulation significantly normalized the serum biochemical parameters and increased the body weight. At the same time, reversed the altered liver expression of phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases (PI3K)-p85 and liver glucokinase (GCK).
Histological analysis of pancreas revealed islet cell number increase and decreased β-cell damage.
Co-administered with nifedipine (Ca2+ channel blocker) and nicorandil (K+ATP channel activator) to diabetic animals along with BWV formulation 0.25 mg/kg revealed its property of insulin secretion through blocking K+ATP (potassium ion) channel.
Western blot analysis of p85 subunit and glucokinase
in normal and STZ-induced diabetic rats
We conclusively affirm that BWV formulation exerted anti-diabetic property over bee venom alone which might achieved through controlled relax of bee venom by bee wax.
The secondary metabolites in bee venom such as melittin and PLA2 present in BWV formulation reduced the β-cell damage leads to β-cell regeneration which resulted increased insulin level.
At the same time, enhanced insulin secretion in diabetic rats through potassium channel closer and calcium channel opening.
Furthermore, BWV formulation increased insulin signaling by downregulation of PI3K-p85 subunit, a dominant signaling pathway gene and up-regulated the hepatic GCK leads to normalizing glucose hemostasis.
Moreover, tetracosanol, octadecanol, triacontanol present in BWV formulation modulated the altered cholesterol metabolism and reduced the toxic hepatic biomarkers such as SGOT, and SGPT shows BWV formulation has no toxic effect.
These results suggest that BWV formulation can be considered as a drug for the treat of diabetes mellitus.
충청남도 금산군 금성면 어필각로 343
전화 1644-0542 (평일 : 09:00~ 18:30 / 점심시간 : 11:50~13:20 / 휴무 : 토,일요일 및 법정공휴일)
주 소 : 충청남도 금산군 금성면 어필각로 343(하신리 72-1)
대 표 번 호 : 1644-0542 I 전 화 041-753-6684 I 전 화 070-4493-3611 I FAX 041-753-6685
운 영 시 간 : 08:30 ~ 17:30 I 휴무 : 토요일, 일요일, 법정 공휴일
이메일 beesenbio@gmail.com I 사업자등록번호 314-81-96665